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LEIDER ABGESAGT: eLecture digiPH3: The Writing Classroom: Integrating Technology and Text Production
März 31, 2020 @ 18:30 - 19:00
Writing classes usually involve a lot of input from the teacher in class leaving very little time for learners to demonstrate their understanding of a given text type let alone working on their writing. Thus, teachers usually have to wait until they have received their students‘ homework in order to discover how much has actually been understood. Taking a flipped classroom approach, in which students watch prerecorded lectures, can address some of these issues because it allows additional time for in-class active learning that can enhance learners‘ performance under the guidance of their teacher.
Jennifer Schumm and Mia Schweighofer are EFL lecturers at the University of Graz. They teach in the fields of language studies and teacher education. Both lecturers have been working with the flipped classroom model in their advanced writing course for over three semesters.
In this talk , we will begin by describing our rationale for flipping our advanced writing course in order to teach specific text types. We will then provide examples of how this was realized in the first part of our course. Next, we will discuss the second part of our course in which students, many of whom are teachers in training, were required to produce videos of text types which they used to introduce the class to various genres. The talk will conclude with a summary of students‘ responses to flipping the writing classroom, teachers‘ observations and evaluation.
This talk will be held in English and is recommended for those interested in a practical application of the flipped classroom approach .
CoModeration: Thomas Winkler